Indore to Maheshwar Cab
Maheshwar Cab Service
If you are looking for Indore to Maheshwar cab then the Indore cab service is the ultimate solution for your transportation needs. The Texi Line Indore will provide an affordable taxi from Indore to Maheshwar.
Our Taxi Line Indore to Maheshwar is always available and gets you to your destination easily and quickly. With a variety of vehicles, you can get the pre-booked cars on rent within minutes.

Maheshwar Cab Service – Travel Made Easy
The city of Maheshwar was founded by the Haihayavanshi king Sahasrarjuna. It is believed that he defeated Ravana. Raj Rajeshwar Sahastrarjun, along with his 500 queens, stopped the river’s flow with one thousand arms while playing with water in the river Narmada. At the same time, Ravana reached there in his Pushpak Vimana from the sky, and seeing the place of the dry river, Ravana wished to worship Shiva.

The History of Maheshwar
When Ravana started worshiping by making a Shivling out of the sand, Rajarajeshwar Sahastrarjun Ji released the water after the water play was over. Due to this reason, the worship of Ravana could not be completed and he started flowing in the water. Angry at this, when Ravana wanted to fight with Rajarajeshwar,
Ravana had to accept defeat and Raj Rajeshwar Sahastrarjun took him captive. It is described in the Puranas that the queens of Raj Rajeshwar Sahastrarjun used to light lamps on the ten heads of Ravana because Deepak Raj was very dear to Rajeshwar Sahastrarjun.
Even today, in the Shri Raj Rajeshwar temple located in Maheshwar, the Akhand 11 lamp flame has been lit since ancient times and devotees must offer it with desi ghee-prasad in the temple. The people of the Haihayavanshi Kshatriya community, the descendants of Shri Raj Rajeshwar Sahastrarjun Ji, consider Maheshwar a pilgrimage site.